KEEP IN MIND that the U.S. population has NEVER elected the U.S. President. On purpose. By design. No candidate for President has EVER received any popular vote for the Office. Nor has ANY citizen ever cast a vote for a Presidential candidate. That is because it is our STATES, using specially-chosen Electors to serve this one, very narrow function, that elect the President. The American Federation Has Never Been a Democracy The Founders were virtually unanimous in their intention to NOT create the American Federation as a democracy. Almost all of them wrote clearly and profoundly against a democracy for the United States because they correctly knew from history that democracies are very short-lived. Remember, too, that they were designing the FEDERATION, with principles that the States would be bound to. But they were not dictating anything beyond those basic, Constitutional principles to any State. Each State was left free to practice various levels of democracy within their own society. But, today, a few people who like these heavier democracies are working very seriously to impose heavy democracy upon the Federation. It's a very bad move for such a large and diviersified republic as ours. The National Popular Vote scheme is extremely radical. The Founders did not BAN outright democracies WITHIN any State, nor did they REQUIRE it. Today, Leftists seem hell-bent on creating an entirely new nation, with a non-Constitution-restricted type of government. They are doing this in part by destroying the foundational roles our States play in checking the federal government. One such effort is called the "National Popular Vote interstate Compact" scheme. With this NPVIC gambit, they are creating a type of monolithic democracy that has been rejected here ever since 1787. Today, the democracies in a FEW States are working feverishly to impose a democracy on the entire federation. That is flat-out wrong and unconstitutional. It cuts across the grain of all of American federation history. It's a Matter of Assignment The U.S. population simply was never assigned the task nor responsibility of electing the President of the United STATES, and for good reason. It is our STATES that elect the President of the United STATES. A popular vote is not even the BACK-UP plan for electing a President! No individual person in American history has ever cast a vote for a Presidential candidate. Our States collectively - which CREATED these United States, and not the other way around - are truly the only force large enough and with enough power, authority and responsibility to keep the Federal Government in check - to keep the Federal Government operating within the confines of its cage that is the Constitution. Many people in government do not like that cage! State legislatures remain free, per Article Two of our Constitution, to determine the Manner in which the State chooses its own Electors. States ALSO remain free to STOP holding any popular vote to decide who those Electors are. The Supreme Court, as recently as the Bush v Gore case in 2000, specifically reaffirmed that to be the case. We Can't Wait for a Court to Settle This. This is Properly a Political Battle, for Now. The NPVIC (IF this dangerous Contract of Collusion ever get activated) should certainly be struck down by the Supreme Court. This Compact works to the disadvantage of the States that choose to NOT join this scheme, so much so that the NPVIC scheme makes the participation of any NON-Compact State in presidential elections totally IRRELEVANT. And THAT violates the Constitutional GUARANTEE that every STATE in this Union has to a republican form of government. If the NPVIC is in force, then it matters not one single bit what any other Legislature chooses to do in deciding the Manner in which it will choose its State's Electors! And THAT violates the non-NPVIC Compact States their right to a meaningful republican form of government. But, once activated, the damage, chaos and confusion this Collusion Agreement will cause will be swift and happen faster than a Supreme Court decision can likely be rendered. The lack of confidence in and lack of support for a Presidency will be massive and likely irreparable. That is why this radical, nation-changing scheme must be defeated politically in every State Capitol where it is brought up. There Has Never Been a "national popular vote". We shouldn't Start Now! Elections are always State affairs. It's pretty simple - There has never been a national popular vote because there has never been a national election. The President is elcted in a FEDERAL election, by the States. Because of the concept of self-governance and State rule, each State has developed unique and separate election rules, procedures and laws for themselves, although they all must conform to basic Constitutional principles. WITHIN each State, all voters must be treated fairly and uniformly. HOWEVER, voters in one State do not have to be treated identically to the way voters in any other State are treated. So many folks get this point wrong. USURPING the States' Role and Responsibility - Not Good! To change to a "national" popular vote - which has NEVER existed because there has NEVER been a national election in the United States for ANY office - is not just some minor tweak to our election system. It is a MASSIVE usurpation of our STATES' basic responsibility to elect the President of the U.S. Federation of STATES. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact scheme is devious, it solves NONE of the "problems" that its supporters claim are "problems", and indeed creates dozens of other new problems that will result in the end of most of our self-governance in the U.S. They are not simply mistaken in their intentions. They are up to nefarious objectives. The National Popular Vote scheme must be rejected everywhere that it is brought up. Opinion by John.
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AuthorJohn Crawford has been a lifelong Constitutional Conservative. He graduated from Michigan State University in Business Administration and worked on his MBA at Western Michigan University. He has been very active in grassroots politics and in volunteer community service organizations his entire career. Archives
January 2024