The Issue
The Issue.Since 1788, the President of the Federation of these United States has been elected by the STATES. The Issue is - Shall our STATES continue to elect the President of the United STATES, or shall the right and responsibility for that task be shifted to the U.S. population? The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact scheme is not even a national Law nor is it a Constitutional Amendment. Instead, it is merely a CONTRACT among 16 to 21 States who agree to choose their State presidential Electors using a "national popular vote" tally. The Contract simply changes WHO elects the State Electors within each of the NPV colluding States. The STATES, using a number of Electors that is equal to the number of the State's Members of the House of Representatives plus its two Senators in Congress, cast Votes for candidates for President, and Vice President, this electing the President if a Majority of Votes (currently 270 or more) are cast for one candidate. The NPV Compact States will always elect the President, having changed and dictated the Manner in which Electors are chosen for a majority of the State Electoral Votes. The Electors are specifically chosen - in the Manner so decided upon by the Legislature - to serve only this extremely narrow and very short-lived purpose. TO DATE, Fifteen (17) States, plus the District of Columbia have formally entered into a Contract of Collusion to CHANGE the way that the President of the United States is elected. (When governments enter contracts, it is called a "Pact" or a "Compact".)
The first State to enter this scheme was the State of Maryland, which joined the Compact in 2007. The one that is currently jeopardizing the American Federation of States, in our view, as well as the Balance of Power between the State Governments and the Federal Governments, is called the "National Popular Vote Interstate Compact" ("NPVIC"). The NPVIC scheme seeks to change how the Electors in the Compact States are chosen, thus altering the election of the President to be by a national popular vote. This scheme seeks to achieve this without the need to Amend the Constitution. |
It's About Protecting American Exceptionalism: It's a Must-Watch Video Clip!Having the STATE choose the President of the United STATES is a huge part of Federalism, designed to help keep the Federal government from growing into the tyranny that our Founders unanimously feared that it could.
On October 5, 2011, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia addressed the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, with Justice Stephen Breyer. In this clip, Scalia delivers a brief, but BRILLIANT, description of what has made America so distinctive: our unique government is designed with effective Separation of Powers. The National Popular Vote Interstate Contract scheme is a very direct assault against that important design element of the government of the United States! Stopping the NPV Contract scheme is vital to preserving the nation. |
We're just showing that in the Last 30 of our total 59 Presidential Elections, the Electoral College is exactly "fair"! Claims by Leftists are that it is NOT fair and therefore, the EC must either be erased or neutered. OBVIOUSLY, "unfairness" is not the case! So WHAT IS THE REAL reason that they want to erase or neuter the Electoral College? |
National Popular Vote SchemeShall our STATES continue to elect the President of the United STATES, or shall the U.S. population start making that decision? A Campaign to Nullify the Electoral College Without Amending the Constitution A very well-funded political movement based in Northern California which started in 2004 has convinced 15 State Legislatures, plus DC, so far to USURP (which simply means "to take") this role and responsibility which our States have had since 1788. Following the Electoral College loss of Al Gore to George W Bush in 2000, three liberal law school professors devised a scheme to manipulate the Electoral College to force it to rubber stamp a "national" popular vote tally result. They were able to attract Leftist financier and Scratch-Off Lottery Ticket Inventor, John Koza, to invest many millions of dollars to turn their NPV idea into the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact scheme. The Compact - A Contract of Collusion They are doing this using a CONTRACT whereby a minority of States collude with each other to simply change who they will name as presidential Electors, so that the net effect is that the President is always elected by something that does not actually exist under the Constitution nor Federal law - a "national popular vote". They understand that they cannot get a Constitutional Amendment proposed, nor ratified by the required 38 States, so they are doing an End Run around the Constitution by using a simple Contract of Collusion. This effort must be stopped to protect the Checks and Balances designed into our Federation by the Constitution. Please help us and other groups, like Save Our States, STOP the dangerous NPVIC now!
"If you think the GOP is indistinguishable from the Democrat Party TODAY, just wait until they compete for voters ONLY in Greater New York City and Los Angeles County!" OUR GROUP's PURPOSE is To Learn, To Teach and To Defend the Electoral College and our US Constitution. On the final day of the four-month long Constitutional Convention in September 1787, a citizen approached Ben Franklin on the steps of Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Franklin was a delegate from the State of Pennsylvania to the Convention. She asked him, "Well, Doctor Franklin, what have you given us —a Republic or a Monarchy?” “It's a REPUBLIC, Ma'am - if you can keep it!” - Ben Franklin. It's OUR TURN to keep the republic now. A republic is a form of government where those who Govern are chosen by We, the People, who are the Governed, or by their representatives. It's a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. A republic is not necessarily a democracy. IN FACT, the word "democracy" does not appear ANYWHERE in our founding documents. Our Founders knew, from their own study and knowledge of world history, that democracies virtually all implode and in short order, leading immediately into anarchy and then dictatorship. The American Founders worked hard to avoid that for the Federation of American STATES. The United States is not really a democracy, although democracy is allowed to be practiced to a greater extent within any of the States. Importantly, the U.S. is a FEDERATION of States. Our Domestic governing is SUPPOSED to happen at our STATE level where the government is closer to the Governed. We can most effectively grant - or withhold - our CONSENT to the government, which is the source of a just government's right to govern, when the government is closer to us! Our STATES, collectively, are the entities that created the United STATES of America. They play a critical role in counterbalancing and keeping in check a runaway Federal Government which is required to live within the listed powers of the Constitution. Over the past decades, our Federal Government has escaped its Constitutional Cage. Progressives kicked the States out of the US Senate 100 years ago with the 17th Amendment. NOW, they are working to kick our States out of their proper role in electing the President! First, the States were expelled from the Legislative branch, and today the effort is to completely kick the States out of Executive Branch. BOTH efforts are tragically dangerous to preserving the United States. Most Domestic Governing in the U.S. is supposed to happen within and by each of our STATES, where the consent of the Governed - We, the People - may be more efficiently granted to, or withheld from, the Government.The Census. Since 1790.
Our States are entities, too. They are governed by the Constitution and by the Federal Government. Our States are also guaranteed the right to a republican form of government, which means that they get to choose the representatives who represent them in the Federal government. This importantly includes the President.
Electoral Votes by State 2021 - 2030The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) REQUIRES your State - if it joins this dangerous scheme - to hold a State popular vote for President - and then THROWS OUT the results when STATE voters disagree with a "national popular vote"! The NPVIC is a simple Contract of Collusion which converts the U.S. into a full-on democracy when choosing the President. While the backers of the dreaded NPV effort complain of a single "Winner-Take-All" rule (there IS no single Winner-Take-All rule - these have been 48 separate STATE decisions that each have made to have the STATE voting as a STATE.) They have twisted and misaplied the Founders intent. What THEY require in their NPVIC actually makes every Compact State a LOSER-Take-All State! Each election where State voters disagree with a "national popular vote", the STATE voters are ignored and all of the STATE's Electoral Votes are given to the candidate that NATIONAL voters chose! The Electoral College is a wonderfully-designed system of Checks & Balances that has worked beautifully since our nation's founding. It's design balances the power of the Federal government against the State governments collectively. There simply is no significant problem out there that the NPVIC effort solves. The U.S. Constitution, in fact, doesn't even CALL FOR ANY POPULAR vote at ALL to elect the President of the United States! That's because our nation was built as a FEDERATION of sovereign States - it is the STATES who elect the President, not the People. It provides protection against mob rule in this country and it preserves the strength of all of the individual States that make up this great nation. This is the United STATES of America. It is not the United People of America, nor is it the United STATE of America. Preserving the Federation is vital - it keeps our government diverse and dispersed, much closer and more responsive to the people. The NPVIC, though, dramatically erodes the States' roles in governing America. Each and every State is allowed to cast their Electoral Votes however their State legislatures decide. But leave that up to each State and for each election! Not only is there no NEED for the NPVIC, there is no problem SOLVED by the NPVIC and the NPVIC, in fact, will erode major Checks & Balances in our system and encourage voter fraud in major metro areas. Say "NO!" to the dangerous Popular Vote Interstate Compact scheme! HELP US to STOP the dishonest NPVIC! The United States -