Mid-Atlantic Region Director: Dan Weber
Maryland State Director: Tony Spezio State Legislative Coordinator: TBD State Member Relations: TBD State Groups Liaison: TBD State Media Relations: TBD Join Our Volunteer Regional Leadership Team. Click for details and to apply. State UpdatesJanuary 2024 Update - The NPV Repeal bill HB-544 died in Committee in the last Legislative session. Currently, there are no bills pending regarding the Electoral College nor the National Popular Vote scheme. February 2021 - A Bill to REPEAL Maryland's participation in the NPVIC has been introduced in the House, and had its first hearing in the Ways and Means Committee on February 2! The Bill's primary Sponsor is Delegate Kevin Hornberger, R-35A up in the NE corner of the State. Hornberger made a great arguments for WHY Marylanders should control MARYLAND's Votes for President! He mentioned the lections of 1980 and 2004, where the "national" popular vote tallies would have CHANGED Maryland's Votes to be cast for the Republican winners. We expect that Maryland will likely stay in the National Popular Vote interstate Compact until the bitter end, however, this bill is worth making some public noise over all across Maryland!. Being the FIRST State to join this plot to convert the election of the President from a Federal STATE-based election to a full-on democratic election by a direct popular vote, Maryland has agreed to transfer the control of its ten (10) Electoral Votes to people who have no relationship with Maryland at all! If we could ever get Maryland's Delegates and Senators to REPEAL their participation in the NPVIC Collusion scheme, it would be a BEAUTIFUL thing! BRING BACK the NPV Repeal Bill!
HB-544 (2021) Official Synopsis: Introduced in 2021, this bill died in Committee. But, here is the synopsis: "Rescinding the State's consent to enter into the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote and repealing the statutory provisions reciting the Agreement; repealing certain provisions of law relating to the nomination of presidential electors; specifying that presidential electors in the State are elected at large by the voters of the entire State; specifying that presidential electors cast their votes for the candidates who receive a plurality of the votes cast in the State; etc." |
Contact Maryland General Assembly Members
Demand that the Maryland General Assembly REPEAL the National Popular Vote Compact to
restore the CONTROL of Maryland's 10 Electoral Votes to people who are MARYLAND residents!
restore the CONTROL of Maryland's 10 Electoral Votes to people who are MARYLAND residents!
Maryland General Assembly Structure - 2023 - 2026
All Maryland lawmakers - Senators and Delegates in the Assembly - serve the same FOUR (4)-YEAR terms. The next election is in November 2026.
Get Involved ... |
Electoral Votes
10 House of Delegates - Democrat Senate - Democrat Governor - Democrat Send Your Letter to the Editor - Almost always, your letter needs to be 200 to 250 words or less. Be courteous and simply express your opinion about why you believe that it is in Maryland's best interests to remain in control MARYLAND's Electoral Votes, and that Maryland needs to REPEAL the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact at its earliest opportunity Annapolis - Capitol Gazette Baltimore - The Baltimore Sun Carroll County - The Carroll County Times Cumberland - The Cumberland Times-News Easton - The Star-Democrat Easton - The Sunday Star Frederick - The Frederick News-Post Hagerstown - The Herald-Mail Salisbury - The Salisbury Daily Times LET US KNOW if you know of a News Media Outlet that should be on this list - Contact Us here. |